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Government Public Procurement, B2G: An Opportunity To Bid

When a government agency purchases supplies, goods, and services, it is called Government Procurement. Bid proposals are announced to private business sectors for them to provide the service or supplies needed by the government. The private sectors that are interested will then present their quotations for the service or supply of goods. The bids presented by the different private sector will the go through deliberation and the lowest best bid will get to win government contracts and to provide the service. This is the formal guideline that is followed according to law.

Often times, these kinds of government procurement involves a large sum of money. That is the reason many private sectors are eyeing on what the governments' needs are. Services and supplies may come in many different forms and value. Therefore, going through a bidding process is a must. True to the fact that when a contract is achieved by bidding in a government, it is sure income. And if you are a small business or new in the market, you will be intimidated by those that are already ahead. How then can a small time or minority owned business still be able to penetrate to get a contract from the government to supply? Check some of these helpful points and make them a guide.

Orient yourself with the laws of engagement within the government and learn as much as you can.

Make a record of what the government is requiring about the services or goods that are needed.

Be quick to grab opportunities and be attentive to government offers. Keep an eye to government offers for enhancements and trainings where the company can benefit from.

Invest in attending government expos', trade fairs and the likes that may help in opening opportunities.

Learn from other private business sectors and try to compete in getting a good score for service records.

Know what government agencies that can be provided with the services the company has to offer and start getting involved with people within.

Enhance the company's capability and refutation by engaging in beneficial training because there is no limit or restrictions to learning.

Having someone that knows more will be an advantage. Work according to your pace and don't compromise time.

To get the initial contract will be the hardest but will become a stepping stone to get the next. Build rapport and be consistent in meeting deadlines. As this will be part of the deciding factor and a plus points nonetheless should you get next round of contract.

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